Zooey Deschanel on bringing "Harold and the Purple Crayon" to the big screen — news on Yarach News
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Award-winning actor Zooey Deschanel takes on a colorful role in "Harold and the Purple Crayon," where she stars alongside Zachary Levi. The film adapts the classic children's story, bringing its magical elements to the big screen.

Yarach News / CBS News

Zooey Deschanel on bringing "Harold and the Purple Crayon" to the big screen

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Zooey Deschanel on bringing

Source: CBS News

Award-winning actor Zooey Deschanel takes on a colorful role in "Harold and the Purple Crayon," where she stars alongside Zachary Levi. The film adapts the classic children's story, bringing its magical elements to the big screen.

Published Tuesday, 30.07.2024, 17:55

CBS News

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