Trump Says That if He Loses, ‘the Jewish People Would Have a Lot to Do’ With It — news on Yarach News
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Speaking at a campaign event denouncing antisemitism in America, Donald Trump again attacked Jews who vote for Democrats, saying that the party had a “hold, or curse, on you.”

Yarach News / The New York Times

Trump Says That if He Loses, ‘the Jewish People Would Have a Lot to Do’ With It

Theme: Trump, Donald J

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Trump Says That if He Loses, ‘the Jewish People Would Have a Lot to Do’ With It Source: The New York Times

Source: The New York Times

Speaking at a campaign event denouncing antisemitism in America, Donald Trump again attacked Jews who vote for Democrats, saying that the party had a “hold, or curse, on you.”

Published Friday, 20.09.2024, 05:20

The New York Times

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